Sunday, March 28, 2010


I have not posted in so, so long! I haven't worked on the comic for a long, long time, but I am starting a new series that doesn't have an exact title yet. Roughly speaking, it's called My Life in Music. I've lost one of the most important sketches, so that project is a bit slow at the moment. Hopefully things will pick up at the end of the school year!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Have not had time for art lately. Rather depressing. I go into withdraw without drawing. I am, however, sculpting in ceramics class. That feeds my artsy side temporarily, but doesn't do much to the raging fire I have inside me to draw. Gonna work a bit today, me thinks. Hopefully all goes well. Ta ta for now.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Feeling totally crappy and uninspired to make any art these past couple weeks. Blarg... The feeling as gotten especially bad recently. Attempting to color line art, looking at images online, talking with friends...anything to feel inspired again. Nothing works. Gonna try some more today. I'll never give up. I have to get out of this rut someday.

On the bright side:
Finished lineart a two days ago. Waiting for Larfsalot's (stock provider) permission for use on the blog.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Jockey Silks

I've been doodling jockey silk designs all over the inside of my school notebooks. I decided to start outlining them so that I can color them in marker and then make a sick layout with them in Photoshop. I already have it all planned out. When I will have time to do this, I can't say...hopefully soon, although I haven't felt up to doing much art. I want to do art, but there's always something holding me back. is too stressful. There should be more creating.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

FEARLESS comic teaser

I made these a while ago. Haven't had much time for posting lately. I'm attempting to draw some jockeys, but it is a severe fail. I can't do it at all. Haven't had much time for art lately because of band. Hoping things will pick up soon with the comic. Gonna be showing some non-comic related WIPs of an elaborate drawing I'll be doing so I can apply to the Governor's School of Fine Arts. It's a summer program. I'm not too crazy about being away from family, friends, and pets for 30 days, but I really think it would be great for my career. I really want to create a detailed pencil drawing of a purebred Arabian. Arabs are simply lovely. Anyway, here they be:

Hay Hay colored:
I was playing around with the markers when I did this. I really wasn't planning on using this image for the comic because of the crappy, no reference shading, but since I have no time to make it look better, I will.

FEARLESS comic teaser:

That's all for now folks!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


In relation to the comic, there are a couple images I have neglected to upload and post on the blog. I'm not in the mood for such things now. Maybe tomorrow...

Photography: A Lovely Power

For a reason I'd rather not mention, I am extremely stressed today. I was rather depressed and decided on a whim to walk outside and take some pictures...Nothing much; just pictures...I walked outside and I poked my lens into the grass, laid on the cool mossy forest floor, pressed my elbows into the cool soil, and simply did what I do best: create. It was an extremely freeing way to reconnect with not only myself, but also the macroscopic beings in nature around me that I have neglected to explore. I saw some wonderful things sitting there quietly. I saw the most beautiful black and yellow bird. And a chipmunk that poked it's head over top a log right in front of me. Simple things...
I always love taking pictures of dead leaves. There's something lovely about dead leaves that gets to me. I love how they curl inward and dip and twist and spin and twirl like warm caramel before reaching the tip, which curls into a little elf shoe. I may not be very poetic about it, but I cannot truly express how contented and at peace I feel inside. Photography is a lovely thing.

Some wonderful photography quotes from

When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.
~Ansel Adams

A great photograph is a full expression of what one feels about what is being photographed in the deepest sense, and is, thereby, a true expression of what one feels about life in its entirety.
~Ansel Adams

Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again.
~Henri Cartier-Bresson

Photography deals exquisitely with appearances, but nothing is what it appears to be.
~Duane Michals

And my favorite:
Often while traveling with a camera we arrive just as the sun slips over the horizon of a moment, too late to expose film, only time enough to expose our hearts.
~Minor White

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sick!!! Noessssssss!

Blargh! I've been sick since Sunday and it's so annoying. I feel tired and exhausted all the time. I feel a bit spunkier tonight, though. I'm listening to the Beatles. Amazing band...probably one of the best, if not the best band that ever lived. Anyway, *as I lip-synch to "Help!" in the background,* being sick means the comic will be nonexistant for a couple weeks, at least until I get better and give myself time to get my head back into things. Yay! Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band = L-O-V-E

Three words: BEATLES ROCK BAND!!! It's out today, baby! And I ain't got no game system. *weeps in a corner* It's actually not that bad, 'cause all you need is love!

Anyway, I decided the possible release date for the cover and first two pages of the comic is going to be November 30th...I know...far ahead, but hey, i'm pushing it trying for that date. But I have Thanksgiving break, so that's good. :D


All you need is love, love; love is all you need.

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